LAUNCH: RCS Market Intelligence Research

22,07,2019 London. ROCCO commences a unique new market intelligence research on Rich Communication Services

If there’s one thing we can tell you about RCS, it’s that despite a long haitus, as an industry we seem finally to have moved beyond the hype to something which is recognised as more fundamental: the application of RCS solutions.

Following the 10 reports we have conducted on A2P SMS in recent years, we recently saw substantial evidence of investment in RCS and felt that an RCS messaging market research study would be useful right now to evaluate where we are. The study, which uncovers some of the latest applications will help us understand the value of the solution in the market today.

The interviews we are conducting are with Vendors of RCS products and services. The objective is to help MNOs, Vendors and Enterprises understand their options in the market. The interview with Vendors intends to capture the main characteristics of the Vendors’ solutions (with case studies), and to get insights about the Vendors’ approach to RCS as a whole. The data of each vendor will be presented side by side to unpick the options and opportunities for the marketplace.

“There’s a lot of speculation surrounding RCS, but if you can see past it, there’s also a lot of value in exploring what RCS is becoming. The study we are producing is independent and is not sponsored by any company. We don’t have any obligation therefore to support, endorse, promote or give undue value to RCS, we are just intending to understand the challenges and opportunities of all sizes to support the industry.” Jason Bryan CEO ROCCO Research

To take part in this research study, Vendors of RCS solutions need only to contact us. The deadline for participation is the 31st August 2019.