It has been said that,
“We never know which lives we influence, when or why”
and for most of us in our professional lives this quote might really ring true. However we are usually aware of those people who have influenced us and made a difference to our personal journeys. Once in a while, there comes an opportunity to recognise the influential people in your life and the difference they have made and to give appreciation.
Following several years of thinking and debate, in autumn 2019 Rocco Group decided to run a research project on influential people called the “ROCCO IOO”. We had the idea that by trying to identify the 100 most influential people in the industry we might in some way raise the visibility of some of our industries heros, those in the spotlight or behind the scenes. We were not aware at that time what type of engagement this project would bring but were hopeful that people would contribute and pay tribute to some of their own influencers. Of all 130+ research projects we have conducted as a company it was the one study that could really help us to recognise the wealth of knowledge and vision in our industry and become a platform for appreciation.

The Report for ROCCO 100 is published on the 21st May. The free 170+ page report is based on the review of the ROCCO 100 people with insights of their own and quotes from voters about how they have influenced them. The team made an extraordinary effort to carefully prepare the report to best honour the 100 people. An aim from the start was also to analyse the regional, gender, company and age based data to try and understand more about what makes an influential person.

While this is the first time anyone in the industry has conducted this type of research on this scale and with an international basis, we hope that it’s the start of a wider industry appreciation and a focus on mentorship, feedback and diversity. Let’s never again be in a position where we hold a panel session at a conference where we are wondering how to make that panel representative of our industry. With this report we now know much more diverse and influential group of people who i’m sure have a lot to say about how we can shape the future of telecoms.
Jason Bryan CEO of ROCCO Research
Dhiraj Wazir CEO of ROCCO Strategy