ROCCO HQ London 01/06/21 Our research has been concluded, the results have been checked and verified and we are pleased to publish our annual A2P SMS Report.
A2P SMS clearly remains an important and effective way to send transactional or marketing SMS globally, which the whole industry is in support of.
Congratulations to all six Tier One Vendors who performed so well across the performance and leadership categories! Tier One means that across all categories these providers reached 4-5 points out of 5. The Vendor ratings were very close this year, with more promotion of this Research happening within the industry, this helped a lot to get the MNOs views across to us.
What’s included this year’s report:
- A2P SMS & COVID-19
- Communication channels and how they compete with A2P SMS
- Who are the A2P SMS Competitors as seen by MNOs, e.g. what MNOs think to Discord, Slack, WeChat, WhatsApp etc
- Performance Review across all vendors, weak points in A2P SMS
Regional Analysis is not included in this report. It will be available in a separate report A2P SMS Vendor Benchmarking 5 Year Regional Analysis Report 2021.
A2P SMS Messaging Vendor Benchmarking 2021 – MNO Rated
Between April and May 2021 we asked MNOs globally to give us their perceptions of A2P SMS Messaging Vendors, how well they knew them and how they would rate them. They rated Vendors on 35+ KPIs in the area of Performance and Leadership. The survey was about brand perception, experience of these providers as well as an understanding of whether MNOs would choose them over others.
With 36 Vendors there was tough competition. The 305 MNOs who participated in the Research will receive their free Executive Summary Report shortly, thanks for your support and feedback, we hope you enjoy the data and insights into the Vendors.
Own This Report
Buy this report here via credit card or Paypal or contact us at to pay by invoice. If you have never purchased from ROCCO before we will ask you sign a brief “terms of use” agreement.
On 8th June 2021 we will publish A2P SMS Messaging Vendor Benchmarking 2021 – Enterprise Edition.
Both reports can be purchased together with a 15% discount.
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