This report is available from 30th November 2023 and contains a thorough discussion of strategic aspects related to 5G SA Roaming monetisation. This publication is a perfect guide for Roaming teams who want to know better about the plans and experiences of fellow MNOs in 5G SA. Moreover, vendors can understand better what challenges MNOs are currently facing and how they can support them. The Strategic Analysis version of this report contains feedback from 85 MNOs across 63 countries and the participation of BICS, Cellusys, Comfone, SecurityGen and Vodafone Carrier & Partner Services.


Considering the increasing relevance of 5G SA Roaming, this publication addresses the following questions:

  • When do MNOs expect to launch 5G SA Roaming?
  • What are the key challenges and opportunities of 5G SA Roaming for MNOs?
  • What do MNOs think about the progress of 5G SA standards?
  • What do MNOs think about BCE and the barriers to its implementation?
  • How do MNOs see vendors supporting them for 5G SA Roaming?
  • What 5G SA solutions are vendors offering?
  • What challenges are vendors facing in delivering 5G SA Roaming solutions?


The 5G race is ongoing and the opportunities derived from 5G SA Roaming are consolidating. This report is a guide for operators that want to know better what their fellow MNOs have experienced with 5G deployments and for vendors that want to address operators’ needs in 5G Roaming.


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