International Voice Carrier Market Impact Report 2023

The Leading Vendors in International Voice

ROCCO HQ London 09/11/23

Our research has been concluded, the findings have been reviewed and verified, and we are pleased to be able to publish our latest report on International Voice Carrier Market Impact.


This year we have refined our research approach to provide a more comprehensive view of the international voice space. In essence, the market impact approach combines insights from both MNOs and vendors. The vendor benchmarking approach has been maintained, but we have also interviewed 4 voice vendors to share their views on the international voice market and discuss their product offerings.

What does this market impact report cover?

– Market insights from 227 MNOs in 132 countries who shared their views on key aspects of International Voice, such as the volume of calls terminated or their key requirements for this service.

– Vendor interviews with 4 International Voice providers. In addition to explaining their product offerings, these vendors have shared their views on key developments in the international voice space.

– Vendor Leaderboard showing the top International Voice Carriers according to MNO ratings based on ROCCO’s tiering system.



As with other reports published in 2023, this publication includes the Add-Ons. Essentially, these are annexes containing additional information about International Voice.

– Vendor Benchmarking:  Detailed analysis of vendor performance including all KPIs, Value Indicators and ROCCO’s Admiration Quads. The ROCCO Admiration Quads are a unique competitor matrix model developed by ROCCO based on MNO data.

If you buy the Vendor Benchmarking, you can also but these add ons…

– Regional Analysis: Analysis of vendor performance and MNO market insights from a regional perspective. Please note that the regions covered are influenced by the regional distribution of participant MNOs.

Please note that to get any of the add-ons it is required to purchase the Market Impact module.

This report is intended for operators who are considering purchasing international voice services from vendors. With this information, operators can see what their peers really think about international voice. Vendors also buy this report to use for competitive analysis and to see where they can improve their performance. It includes views on brand perception, which can be an important tool for vendor marketing departments to understand directly from MNOs whether their brand is top of mind when considering these services.

Order the International Voice Carrier Market Impact Report

Order the International Voice Carrier Market Impact Report + Vendor Benchmarking Add-on

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