SMS Firewall Market Intelligence Research 2021

Launching today new research with Vendors of SMS Firewall services.

In 2016 we published our first report into SMS Firewalls Market Intelligence. 16 SMS Firewall Vendors helped us understand the services they offer and their outlook on the SMS Firewall marketplace.  In the last 5 years major changes have occurred in the industry which we are looking to capture. The Vendors have changed and the marketplace is different, so we are interested to see what the vendors think are the next developments in the this space.

This report supports MNO in providing guidance and supporting them in the development of their SMS messaging monetisation strategy and business opportunities.

From our 2016 report:

“There is a lot of opportunities for MNO’s to monetise on SMS Messaging but its quite apparent that issues like spam, spoof, fake and flood are only a few of the reasons why having an SMS Firewall is an important factor in monetisation. So far many MNO’s have sought solutions, but in the next 2-3 years these services will become universal for all MNOs who recognise that filtering in a more sophisticated way is necessary and also brings revenue benefits.”

We are keen to see if the solutions have truly become universal and which players are specialist in the area.

Vendors who wish to participate need only contact to take part in the research. Many thanks for participating in ROCCO Research.